Anyway back to the sporadic flailing with paint and the rebels are finished yeah, woot, wahoo. man those figures are shite. I hated painted Luke Skywalker thank god for weathering powder it really has become my turd polisher on this project.
Here we go now my original plan was to do a blow by blow starting with this picture the figure with the base colours used. Just to be clear Zandri Dust robes, Jack Bone feet.
So thin wash with Agrax earthshade and then build up the colours again and lighten them, Now on the art Shiala's robe is a reddy brown so I mixed Battlefield Brown with old GW Terracotta which gave me a nice look(I have no idea why they got rid of that colour it was ace and there is no replacement in their range)
I picked out the wrappings with GW graveyard earth and gradually highlited with GW Bleached bone and white.
Added OSL effects and weathering powder then google auto awesomed it.
Next up Soldier boy and he's done bar the tidying up of the base edge. Agrax Earthshade here is your friend. The Trollblood Blue with and agrax earthshade wash followed by a thin layer of trollblood blue is pretty much the exact colour on the artwork, infact all the colours on this guy but the flesh are just paint/wash/thin layer/minor highlight. The flesh starts at Khardic flesh then a mix of Ryn flesh and Khardic flesh and finally Ryn flesh.
And here is Luke Skywalker, I hated painting him and I really shouldn't have. I've wanted to paint him since I started painting toy soldiers really. My dad took me to see Star Wars when it was released in Britain and it shaped my life. Now everybody says that Han solo stole the show, but I never wanted to be Han. Hans cool as fuck but he's not a Jedi, he's not Luke Skywalker, that character was and still is my hero nearly 40 years later.When I first saw this figure I thought that is cool the death star hangar scene pose with the storm trooper blaster it looks great. Then when I came to paint him I realised how little detail there is on his face and I went crazy trying to put some character into it. So here he is basecoated GW Desert Yellow is perfect for Lukes hair. The colours below are what I used for basecoats.
I then painted the model with a very light flesh wash sorry can't remember which but it was a GW one.
I then realised that the gap at the shoulder which I was hoping would fill when I painted him was to big so I had to liquid green stuff him.
There'll be a finished picture of this fella at the end.
Next up the Bothan, I had no idea this guy was supposed to be a bothan only the name gave it away, the descriptions in the expanded universe books always seemed quite feline whereas this guy looks like a paramilitary Larry the fucking Lamb (Mr Inventor may have been trying out an aggression chip god only knows where Dennis the Dachshund is). The colour of the angry goat uniform is pretty much GWs Caliban Green which finally gives me a use for it because it certainly ain't a replacement for Dark Angels Green which I started my mates Dangle army in and then had to beg the internets for any spare pots. This figure then got the Agrax earthshade wash and a green wash on the lens.
At this point I think I just wanted to get through them so there isn't any progress shots.
Next the officer boy who is not Caucasian, I have never painted anything other than white flesh before, mainly because I didn't think I could, I've seen people try before and most with imperial guard and it mainly looks caricature like and somehow faintly offensive, this is probably some racist paranoia. So I started with GWs dark flesh and highlighted turned out okay (stop being a moron) the hard colour was the 70s orange top. this is a very paticular colour from my childhood that has since thankfully been banished to the mists of fashion disasters. After much umming and ahhhing GW scab red and Blazing orange 50/50 mix is the colour pretty much spot on.
Next another refugee from the 70s and, good lord she's not Caucasian too! what are you trying to do to me FFG I may dissolve into a pool of racial guilt aaarrrrrggghhh. (seriously I really got myself wound up over this for no real reason. I'm not a racist, nobody who's opinion I care about is going to think I have purposefully set out to offend a race of people. I know I'm not alone in this ridiculous paranoia so all I can say is get over and paint they're just toy soldiers not a political statement) Anyway now to disparage this figure, although she is not the last one I've posted she was the last one I painted( Blogger and my pictures fell out with each other for a while they seem to be over it now) and I feel there is a clue here to the issues of detail I've harped on about whilst painting these figures, now I started this post two weeks ago then got sidetracked and in the meantime wave 1 is due at my door any day and wave 2 has been previewed an my word has the detail improved on wave 2 that's more like it. Now back to Jyn, she's backwards, I'm not kidding check the art then look at the figure everything that is on the right hand side on the art of her is on the left and vice versa. This is poor sculpting and not paying attention to your source material. Anyway colours in the picture used in pretty much where you see them.
Finished picture at the end now the wookie, there are blow by blow pictures for this fella.

Drybrush highlight
Then again lighter
Then again lighter
And finally at the eyebrows and dome of the head, Don't highlight everywhere with each layer make it patchy to show patterning in the fur.
Teeth and eyes teeth bleach bone and highlight in white in lighter mixes doing less of the tooth with each highlight to the points. Eyes paint black then a white dot in each corner, this usually comes out far better than trying to put a black dot in a white eye. I tried doing Luke's eyes he ended up looking like his parents had all been sibling kissers.
Pick out hthe axe with GW Leadbelcher
The highlight with a silver I used GW Chainmail.
Runelord Brass highlight
Then add a bit of silver to it and highlight at the tips and edges.
Tidy up edge of base and weather.
The six heroes look okay Luke remains a disappointment.
Now these are done Back to GW and Bile Trolls for my mate these need to be done soon and my glasses have now arrived so Avante.
And progress
And basing so on we go and now I've looked at these with my glasses on, and man I was blind the detail just screamed at me instead of being there but requiring my magnifying glass light.
These are expensive but they are the shit. Right the next one will be soon. and then wave 1 because I need figures for the Imperial Assault Nationals because we can't use the tokens in the box. And to answer a question that occurred to me as I was typing about the difference the glasses have made no Luke still looks like he's had a stroke because there is no facial definition sculpted on one side of the figure.
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